Monday, November 16, 2015

Our Science Shelf

Like I've said before, I am an anal, OCD person and everything in my room is color coded, and in their places, and on the shelf they are supposed to be on. Before the kids come in the room. :)

Here is what our science shelf looks like. It's this HUGE shelf that's split down the middle and is used for half math, half science. A couple years ago I took some green paper and glued it to the back of the shelf (since I was too scared to paint it) so that it would match all of the science things in the room. Science. Is. Green.
Not sometimes. Not whenever I feel like it. ALWAYS!

The bottom of our science shelf (which I know looks super sad right now, but we're switching units!) is for sorting and whatever new unit we are on that week. I usually put that unit's materials on the bottom shelf Tuesday. Although, this week is sound energy ... we might wait.

Our middle shelf is home to our scales. We have 4 and they take up every inch of this shelf. The kids love to measure different things.

Our top shelf is holds our science journals and science buckets, which we use on a daily basis. Each of the kids has their own journal and each table group has their own bucket that they are in charge of. The science buckets have crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks, erasers and regular pencils. This way, they don't have to get into their other table buckets and fight over the materials in there.

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